Education is the key and cornerstone to each and every society and the answer to the world’s social problems. The choices made by both people and societies are made based on learned perceptions and beliefs. Yet, if those choices do not lead to solutions, rather perpetuate negative development…than education is no longer the answer but the problem leading to the conclusion that the learning has been less about education and more about indoctrination.
Indoctrination is instilling a set of beliefs and information from a specified point of view. Anytime value or judgment is attributed to presented information it is indoctrination; right and wrong, good and bad, etc.
Education is the development of skills to interact with information/beliefs in order to develop your own. Information and values on information are presented without judgment.
The attributes of indoctrination include controlled information and values to a set pre-defined result. Information is easily presentable and therefore easily measured through recall. The methodology of learning is memorization and therefore the skill set achieved is remembering. The outcome of indoctrination encourages imitation and therefore progress is actually devolving.
The attributes of education are controlled information with various values to a personally defined result. Information is experienced and measured through problem-solving. The methodology is understanding or application of information developing discernment. The outcome of education leads to innovation and therefore an evolution of information.
I’m not against indoctrination, success breeds success and in many cases it is necessary when there is a lack of experience or areas where there are few role models.
However, indoctrination alone hinders development restricting free thought, experimentation and personalization. It is also a problem when educators take it upon themselves to impart values and replicate themselves in someone else’s children.
A 5th grade teacher was just filmed in the US criticizing her students’ presidential choices. Central European Universities haven’t publicized a new idea in decades. Students of the Koran come out of some schools promoting violence even though the scriptures support the opposite.
In developing nations, do we want to ignore progress only to repeat the last generation?
Do you want your children learning about Social Justice from Bill Ayers?
Is the person you’re learning from the person you want to be?
It is the goal to learn how to think….or what to think?
If answers to the above are “No,” then it is necessary to perform due diligence on your learning institutions to see if the presentation of information is value-based.
EVERYONE does what they believe to be in their best self interests. Belief is limited to access to information and perception. So, if the progress that is expected is not happening or happening in directions they seem to go away from self-interests, look in the key development institutions. Either the information is not available, or indoctrination is.
Fortunately, each man has a conscience and honor. They treat him before making bad choices. In the case of policy choice is sometimes less bad (in my country, where each batch was bad). Sometimes that's no choice and it is the worst, regardless of indoctrination.
(sorry, google translate)
Well said.
Conscience, the belief or understanding in right or wrong, is for the most part taught. which is why suicide bombers believe what they are doing it not evil, but righteous.
The good news is that indoctrination can be used for good as well as bad.
Good thing for google translate!! :-)
where are you from??
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