It is a metaphor about competition and jealousy. It is one that needs to be understood,
because as silly as the crabs seem, that is exactly what is happening in
cultures all over the world, and it may be happening in yours, or worse, you
are a part of it.
There are jealous and non-jealous cultures in the world. First let’s define them.
It is said that Bono was once asked the difference between
Ireland and the US. He said, “In the US,
a friend gets a new house, invites me over, gives me a tour, and I leave
thinking, ‘I’ll get a house like this someday,’ or ‘just wait, mine will be
“In Ireland, I visit a friend’s new home, look it over, and
when I leave, I start throwing rocks at the windows.”
The former can be called Envy, the latter Jealousy.
I experienced this first hand, when I got a new home, I
invited a number of friends over for a house warming party. I was very surprised when a few of my friends
started criticizing whatever they could find: “the elevator is old,” “the
building smells musty,” “the paint on the walls could be better.”
It was then confirmed when another friend got a new home and
even his family was not celebrating with him, but complaining about a million
little things that really didn’t matter.
While supporting the development of a sports league in
Europe. There were some organizations
that started to succeed, to prosper, yet instead of learning what they did
right, the league would change the rules handicapping the successful teams to
make it in their words, “more competitive.”
Here’s the issue…the crabs end up not escaping and all
die as a result. In jealous culture, when
time and energy is spent pulling others down, no one prospers, no one grows,
nothing gets better.
It’s one thing, when it is a personal issue and another when
it is a cultural one. In my experience,
there are more jealous cultures in the world than non-jealous. Those cultures that are known for opportunity
and prosperity are few and far between.
What kind of culture do you live in?
Here are some questions to consider:
Is more time spent complaining or competing?
When neighbors or friends find success, are people happy or
When you visit a friends new home, or see their new car, is
there more criticism or compliments?
Do you feel an overwhelming sense of inequality?
Do you feel successful people “don’t deserve it?” or “didn’t
earn it?”
Do you spend more time complaining about what others have, or
focus on ways to succeed with what you’ve got?
I remember when I was running, I was a sprinter, but I didn’t
have the ability to truly compete in the short sprints, it wasn’t in the genes. I could’ve complained, did what I could to
bring the other competitors to my level, or cheated. Instead, I found what I was good at, what I
could improve on and where I could compete and ended up competing at the state
level, even held the #1 spot in my event for a while.
The US, has historically been a non-jealous culture. Case in point is the phrase, “keeping up with
the Jones’s,” or “everyone looks for their time in the sun.” Whereas in Jealous cultures they have phrases
like, “the tall grass gets the blade.” I am a 2nd generation immigrant, my
father like many immigrants to this day, came to the US for better opportunities,
and finding them.
So the question comes, why are people in the US fighting
about inequality when people from all over the world come there for
opportunities and finding them? Why the focus
on the top 1%? Are
there truly no opportunities in the US for people not in the 1%? Is there another culture in the world where
new millionaires are created on an almost daily basis? Is there really inequality because of what
the 1% get or because the rest are restricted from finding their own
success? And if the latter, what are
those issues?
Are there really people in the US culture who are oppressing
me from getting a good education? From getting a job? From getting experience? From being creative? From finding my own niche in the marketplace
where I can be successful?
The truth is, the US as a whole is one of the few
non-jealous cultures in the world.
Although there are factions of the US that are jealous and function,
make policies, and do those things that jealous cultures do… to, in their minds,
create “equality.”
Do you want to live in a culture where there is equal
opportunity or manipulate the system to foster equal results? Because either we
spend our energy aspiring to be the best we can, or we turn that energy, as
crabs, against anyone else who tries.
The problem is that each of us wants to be better than the other one. We compare, complain, point the finger "look how he/she/they look and what do.." etc.. But the first thing what we should do is look at ourselfs and what we do and then what do and how look others... But important is our life, no?
The problem is that each of us wants to be better than the other one. We compare, complain, point the finger "look how he/she/they look and what do.." etc.. But the first thing what we should do is look at ourselfs and what we do and then what do and how look others... But important is our life, no?
first thing what we should do is look at yourself and what we do and then what do and how look others
first thing what we should do is look at yourself and what we do and then what do and how look others
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