The US economy was rocked when Barak Obama FIRED the CEO of General Motors, what Michael Moore called a “…Superhero move.” What supporters missed is that the “move” didn’t just attack and remove a problem, but rather exposed one.
Michal Moore gloated over the bold unprecedented move, not because of mistakes that the CEO supposedly made (which have yet to be made public), but that, “it should send a chill through all Americans who believe in free enterprise.” “That the government is in charge here!”
What is clear here, is exactly what the founders of the constitution were afraid of happening, Government taking control away from the people. While Michal Moore and others cheer the latest move, it shows a huge ignorance to history and exactly how far away we are from American idealism.
No government in any country in history has ever successfully RUN its own companies.
But more than that, it exposes an even greater problem in American society. That which thwarts progress and development all over the world. A human emotion called, Jealousy.
U2’s Bono explained it best in comparing America with his native land Ireland. In America, he says, you buy a new home, you invite your friends, who upon leaving think to themselves, Man, I can’t wait till I get something like that. And start to plan their own bigger prize. In Ireland, a man buys a home, invites his friends, who upon leaving start throwing rocks through the windows!
America used to be the land of opportunity. The land of hopes and dreams that one day, with enough hard work and fortitude, each man can have his success, his castle. It used to be taught in schools, ingrained in children and filled in movies that the little guy can do BIG things. This used to be a land of optimistic hope. It was something that differentiated Americans from people all over the world.
In Moore’s representative attack on free enterprise, one in which he also benefits, he is actually denying people that right. It is exposes what is happening in our schools and universities, it explains behavior of community groups. We’ve become so accustomed to fight for the little guy. That we’ve left the “encourage people to fight and persevere to succeed” attitudes that made the US the most prosperous economy in the history of the world, and now instead trade hope for blame, fight for complain, and optimism for oppression.
Sure, Obama only attacked a BIG EVIL CORPORATE GIANT, who DESERVED what he got, because THEY ARE BIG. But the precedence is now set, especially with Geithners push to take over ANY company, to do the same to anyone, anytime, anywhere. The supporters do not even ask nor care why he was fired, only that he was.
Jealousy. Not a strong virtue. But becoming a prevailing US characteristic.
Under socialism there was a commonly understood phrase, “the tall grass gets the blade.” In those cultures, success and popularity were NOT good, because it created exposure which lead to attack. In these lands, you get a new car, people don’t envy, they call the police. If it’s something new and expesive, it was stolen. If you got a promotion, it was corruption. If you have something nice, don’t’ congratulate and aspire to get your own, find things wrong with it and bring it down to your level.
The US used to be a place where people strived for the limelight. Now, people are starting to run away. It’s pathetic.
Careful, Mr. Moore, Obama’s next superhero move could be against you. I wonder who will be cheering then.
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