“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste….meaning to do things that you think you could not do before.” Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
In taking advantage of the crisis to push an agenda instead of dealing with it, the current administration has allowed the economy to fall further, the currency to be destabilized, and put the United States at greater threat than the cold war.
The economic battle with China which pushed the value of the dollar to new lows and the current economic crisis were bad enough to weaken the strongest economy in the world. Now, the new administration continues to ignore those threats to national security by piling on incredible and unnecessary debt, simply to push an agenda of ideology instead of strengthening the economy.
Irresponsible is ignoring the grumblings of those who continue to finance the US, exploiting what is naively assumed to provide unlimited debt, as well as to dismiss those who seek and can obtain the demise of our political and economical power.
Calls for a new world currency are not new, however those calls have now gained a voice in the world economy and with the continued fiscal irresponsibility of the US government now have a legitimate case to bring against further use of the dollar as the world standard.
Despite the possibility of economic Armageddon and a threat to national security, the Obama administration only furthers its agenda with requests for more unnecessary federal funding of which is not only unsustainable, but will force inflation to historic heights.
Change can be a good and necessary thing. However, smart leadership would recognize not only when it is needed, but also when it is appropriate. Maybe continually charging the American people the largest debts in history amidst one of the most difficult economic times in recent history isn’t the best play. The US voted for an undefined, un-vetted change. Hopefully, unlike the last great empire, we’ll get a chance to not do it again.
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