To come together seems more fair weather
Today than “till death do us part.”
Working together to make each one better
Depends more on feelings of heart.
It was surprisingly revealing
When love told me she'd quit
If difficulties came again
Even though we had commit.
Why should one stay and fight
When one can now expect
Abandonment in error’s wake
When expectations are not met
Imagine legend’s famous loves
When man had labored long
To win his love and then to find
Her feelings for him had gone.
It is curious to me how true love
Can be less self-sacrifice
Than fighting to establish
Who was wrong or who was right
Businesses do a better job
Of focusing on goals
So everyone can get his wants
By supporting each other’s roles
Weakness is a fact of life
In marriage can’t be more true
And when the two think 1 on 1
Even healing's black and blue.
We tried to make it work for us
We tried to keep an aim
When we our hearts turned we to me
Our pride turned us to shame